Prawns, Fish Balls, Clam, Tofu Puff, Noodles, Bean Sprouts, Chili Sambal
Udang, Bakso Ikan, Kerang, Tahu Puff, Mie, Tauge, Sambal
Braised Oxtail, Herb Broth, Lime Leave Oil, Nutmeg, Melinjo Cracker
Buntut Rebus, Kaldu, Minyak Daun Jeruk Nipis, Pala, Kerupuk Melinjo
Chicken & Prawn Wonton, Chicken Star Anise Stock, Hongkong Noodle, Bok Choy
Wonton Ayam & Udang, Kaldu Anistar, Mie Hongkong, Bok Choy
Sourdough Crouton, Ricotta, Red Chili Flake
Crouton Sourdogh, Keju Ricotta, Taburan Cabai
Braised Chicken, Rice Noodle Vermicelli, Cabage, Bean Sprout, Turmeric Chicken Broth, Steamed White Rice, Sambal, Crackers
Ayam Rebus, Bihun, Kol, Tauge, Kaldu Ayam & Kunyit, Nasi Putih, Sambal, dan Kerupuk
Creamy Chicken Broth, Tare, Chicken Ballotine, 63C Egg, Nori
Kaldu Ayam, Tare, Ayam Gulung, Telur 63C, Rumput Laut
Please inform our hosts of any food allergies and any inquiries
Mohon diinformasikan kepada staff yang bertugas mengenai alergi dan kebutuhan lainnya.
C : Crustaceans
F : Fish
SF : Seafood
N : Nuts
D : Dairy
DF : Dairy Free
G : Gluten
GF: Gluten Free
P : Peanut
N: Nuts
S : Soy
SE: Sesame
VE : Vegan
V : Vegetarian
E : Egg
M : Mollusca/Mushroom
All prices are in thousands of rupiah and subject to 21% applicable service charge and government sales tax
Seluruh harga di atas belum termasuk pajak layanan dan pemerintah sebesar 21%