Peanut Sauce, Rice Cake, Fried Shallot, Microgreens
Saus Kacang, Lontong, Bawang Merah Goreng, Microgreens
Peanut Sauce, Rice Cake, Fried Shallot, Micro Herbs
Saus Kacang, Lontong, Bawang Merah Goreng, Micro Herbs
Sweet Soy Sauce, Peanut Sauce, Rice Cake
Sambal Kecap, Bumbu Kacang, Lontong
Szechuan Chili Sauce, Micro Herbs
Sauce Cabai Szechuan, Micro Herbs
Miso Butter, Crispy Kale
Mentega Miso, Daun Kale Renyah
Mince Beef, Black Beans, Avocado, Sour Cream, Jalapeno, Tomato Salsa
Daging Sapi Cincang, Kacang Hitam, Alpukat, Krim Asam, Salsa Tomato
Coriander, Chili Butter, Herbs Salad
Daun Ketumbar, Mentega Pedas, Salad Rempah
Fried Tofu served with Sweet Soy Sauce
Tahu Goreng didampingi dengan kecap manis
Peanut Sauce on the side
Dihidangkan dengan saus kacang
Please inform our hosts of any food allergies and any inquiries
Mohon diinformasikan kepada staff yang bertugas mengenai alergi dan kebutuhan lainnya.
C : Crustaceans
F : Fish
SF : Seafood
N : Nuts
D : Dairy
DF : Dairy Free
G : Gluten
GF: Gluten Free
P : Peanut
N: Nuts
S : Soy
SE: Sesame
VE : Vegan
V : Vegetarian
E : Egg
M : Mollusca/Mushroom
All prices are in thousands of rupiah and subject to 21% applicable service charge and government sales tax
Seluruh harga di atas belum termasuk pajak layanan dan pemerintah sebesar 21%