Herb Salad, Crispy Shallot
Salad, Bawang Renyah
Curry Leaves & Capers Butter Vinaigrette, Garlic Kuca
│Daun Kari & Capers Mentega Vinaigrette, Kucai Bawang Putih
Kwetiau Noodle, Chili Oil, Tofu, Bok Choy, 63C Egg, Krispy Kale
Kwetiau, Minyak cabai, Tahu, Pakcoy, Telur Rebus 63C, Daun Kale Renyah
Sambal Matah, Vegetable Lawar, Balinese Herbs, Coriander Rice
Sambal Matah, Lawar Sayur, Bumbu Bali, Nasi Daun Ketumbar
Prawn, Squid, Egg, Fish Cake, Bok Choy, Egg Noodl
│Udang, Cumi, Telur, Fish Cake, Bok Choy, Mie Telur
Chicken, Pete, Corn, Carrot, Kecombrang, Chili, Eg
Ayam, Pete, Jagung, Wortel, Kecombrang, Cabai, Telur
Chicken, Satay, Shrimp, Sunny Side Up, Pickels, Crackers
Ayam, Sate, Udang, Telur Mata Sapi, Acar, Kerupuk
White Rice, Cassava Leaves, Sambal Ijo
Nasi Putih, Daun Singkong, Sambal Ijo
Sweet Soy Sauce with Minced Chili, Starfruit, Green Tomato, Cherry Tomato, Coriander, Basil, Curry Leaf
Sambal Kecap Manis dengan Irisan Cabai, Belimbing Wuluh, Tomat Hijau, Tomat Ceri, Daun Ketumbar, Daun Kemangi, Daun Kari
Porcini, Mascarpone, Lemon Zest, Mixed Mushroom
Jamur Porcini, Krim Keju Mascarpone, Parutan Kulit Lemon, Potongan Aneka Jamur
Cumin Rub, Tzatziki, Flatbread, Parsley Salad, Pickled Shallots
Bumbu Jinten, Tzatziki, Roti Pipih, Salad Parsley, Acar Bawang Merah
Snapper, Broccoli, Carrot, String Bean
Potongan Ikan Kakap, Brokoli, Wortel , Buncis
Coriander Fried Rice, Wagyu Beef Tenderloin, Tomato, Fried Onion
Nasi Goreng Ketumbar, Daging Wagyu, Tomat, Bawang Bombay Goreng
White Rice, Ginger & Leek Sauce, Fried Shallot, Sliced Cucumber
Nasi Putih, Saus Jahe & Daun Bawang, Bawang Merah Goreng, Potongan Timun
Please inform our hosts of any food allergies and any inquiries
Mohon diinformasikan kepada staff yang bertugas mengenai alergi dan kebutuhan lainnya.
C : Crustaceans
F : Fish
SF : Seafood
N : Nuts
D : Dairy
DF : Dairy Free
G : Gluten
GF: Gluten Free
P : Peanut
N: Nuts
S : Soy
SE: Sesame
VE : Vegan
V : Vegetarian
E : Egg
M : Mollusca/Mushroom
All prices are in thousands of rupiah and subject to 21% applicable service charge and government sales tax
Seluruh harga di atas belum termasuk pajak layanan dan pemerintah sebesar 21%