Mascarpone Cheese, Lady Fingers, Amaretto, Coffee
Keju Mascarpone, Lady Finger, Amaretto, Kopi
With Candied Orange
Dengan Manisan Jeruk
Pineapple Granite, Coconut Macaroon, Kiwi
Es Serut Nanas, Macaroon Kelapa, Kiwi
Dried Meringue Cardamom, Fresh Local
Berries, Berries Sorbet, Whipped Cream
Banana Springroll Skin, Caramelized Sugar
Pisang, Kulit Lumpia, Gula Karamel
Cheese, Chocolate Sauce, and Palm Sugar
Keju, Saus Coklat, dan Gula Aren
Please inform our hosts of any food allergies and any inquiries
Mohon diinformasikan kepada staff yang bertugas mengenai alergi dan kebutuhan lainnya.
C : Crustaceans
F : Fish
N : Nuts
V : Vegetarian
D : Dairy
G : Gluten
P : Peanut
Ve : Vegan
DF : Dairy Free
S : Soy
E : Egg
M : Mollusca/Mushroom
SF : Seafood
All prices are in thousands of rupiah and subject to 21% applicable service charge and government sales tax
Seluruh harga di atas belum termasuk pajak layanan dan pemerintah sebesar 21%